C-based Server That Can Accept Single Clientã¢â‚¬â„¢s Request Using Sockets

Sockets provide the programmer with a facility to let their applications to communicate over a network. This lesson shows how to use sockets to let to LiveCode apps to talk to each other as well as providing an example of how LiveCode apps can share data with Java apps.

What are Sockets?

Sockets provide two networked machines with a bidirectional communication channel.  One machine will be the server, listening in for connections and the other, the client, attempting to make a connection with the server.  An example of this would exist when you fetch a web page.  Your spider web browser, or the client, attempts to brand a connection to the spider web server.  The spider web server, listening in for clients, will have the connection and so proceed to handle the clients request.  Here, the browser will ask the web server for the folio, before the spider web server responds with the page data.

Servers are accessed via socket addresses, a combination of the server'southward IP address (or domain proper name) and a port number.  The port can be thought every bit a connection bespeak on the sever, like USB or Firewire ports, with each port serving a specific purpose.  For instance, web pages are served on port 80 (HTTP) , emails are sent via port 25 (SMTP).

Once 2 machines are connected, they tin so communicate streams of bytes with each other.  It's up to the customer and server to format these byte streams into structured data chunks.  A elementary example would exist an echo sever, which receives a stream of bytes from a client, assumes they course an ascii string and sends the string back to the customer.

As noted previously, sockets use IP based networks.  There are a range of transport layers that can be used on top of IP.  In this lesson we will consider TCP sockets.

How to Employ Sockets in LiveCode - Server Side

Using sockets in LiveCode is very elementary.  First of all allow us consider a server:  A server must listen in on a specific port for clients.  To do this in LiveCode, we simply use the following command:

                                                have                                                                connections                                                                  on                                                                port                                  1234                                with                                                message                                                "clientConnected"                          

Here, our server will listen in on port 1234 for connecting clients.  When a customer is connected, the message "clientConnected" will be sent, detailing the newly opened socket.  The server can now mind in on this socket for messages from the client:

                                                on                                                  clientConnected pSocket                                                  read                                                                from                                                socket                                  pSocket                                with                                                message                                                "messageReceived"                                                      end                                                  clientConnected                          

In the example to a higher place, the server is reading from the client in non-blocking mode.  That means that the read request will exit instantly.  When a information is received from the client, the "messageReceived" message volition be sent, detailing the socket it came from and the information sent.  The alternative to this is to omit the "with message".  Hither the read volition part in blocking way, non returning until information has been received from the client.  When data is received, the read control volition return and the data will exist placed in it.

An additional parameter can be passed to the read control, detailing how much information nosotros want to read.  This can be a number of characters or lines (or any other chunk blazon - read from socket pSocket for 5 lines) or until a specific character is reached (read from socket pSocket until return).

Let us consider the read as detailed earlier, in non-blocking mode.  When data is received from the client the "messageReceived" message will be sent.  At this point, the server tin choose to write a response to the client.  Here, we will only echo the information back to the client using the write command.

                                                on                                                  messageReceived pSocket, pMsg                                                  write                                                  pMsg                                to                                                socket                                  pSocket                                                  read                                                                from                                                socket                                  pSocket                                with                                                message                                                "messageReceived"                                                      end                                                  messageReceived                          

Similar the read command,  write tin can be blocking or non-blocking.  If we desire a not blocking write, we only specify the message to be sent when the write is complete.  Note that in lodge to go on reading from the client, we must issue some other read command.

When the server no longer wishes to communicate with the customer, the socket tin simply exist closed with the command close socket tSocket.  If the client closes the socket, the server volition be sent a socketClosed message, detailing the socket that has been closed.

How to User Sockets in LiveCode - Customer Side

Using sockets on the client side is every bit as easy in LiveCode.  To begin communicating with the server, we must first open up a socket:

                                                open up                                                                socket                                                to                                                "host:port"                                                with                                                message                                                "clientConnected"                          

Like the read and write commands, the callback message on the open command is optional, and defines if the command is blocking or not-blocking.  If used in blocking manner, in one case connected the newly opened socket will be accessible via the it variable.  In non-blocking style, it will exist passed every bit a parameter in the callback message.

If there has been an error connecting to the server the "socketError" message will exist sent.  (If the mistake is due to a problem finding the specified host, the error message is returned in the result, and no "socketError" message is sent.)

Let u.s. consider the open command in non-blocking mode.  Once the socket is opened, we can write a bulletin to the server, read the response and then shut the connectedness:

                                                on                                                  clientConnected pSocket                                                  write                                                                "hullo"                                  &                                                  return                                                                to                                                socket                                  pSocket                                                  read                                                                from                                                socket                                  pSocket                                until                                                                  return                                                                                  put                                                  it                                                  close                                                                socket                                  pSocket                                                      end                                                  clientConnected                                          

The read and write commands function in exactly the same manner every bit defined previously for the server.

Creating a Simple Broadcast Server

Let the states expand on these commands and create a simple broadcast server.  Our broadcast server will mind in for connecting clients.  Once a client is connected, the server will place the client on its list of connected clients earlier attempting to read a line of data from it.  When a line of data is read from a client, that data will be broadcast to each connected client.

The list of connected clients volition only be a script variable property the socket for each customer separated by return.  Our server will exist started and stopped using elementary outset and stop commands.  2 further handlers will be defined:  One called when a client is connected, adding the customer to the listing before beginning reading.  The other will be called when the read is complete, dissemination the read bulletin to all connected clients.

                                                local                                                  sConnectedClients                                                  -- list of authorised clients                                                  local                                  sRunning                                                  -- if the server is currently running                                                  constant                                  kPort =                                8010                                                                      -- Start the server listening for connections.  When a client attempts to  -- connect, the broadcastServerClientConnected message will exist sent.                                                  command                                  broadcastServerStart                                                  if                                                                not                                  sRunning                                                  so                                                                                  put                                                                truthful                                                into                                  sRunning                                                  take                                                                connections                                                                  on                                                                port                                  kPort \                                with                                                message                                                "broadcastServerClientConnected"                                                                  end                                                                                  if                                                                                                      finish                                                  broadcastServerStart                                                      -- Stop the server listening for connections.  Shut all open advice -- channels.                                                  control                                  broadcastServerStop                                                  if                                                  sRunning                                                  and so                                                                                  put                                                                false                                                into                                  sRunning                                                  put                                                                empty                                                into                                  sConnectedClients                                                  echo                                                                for                                                each                                                line                                  tSocket                                in                                                the                                                opensockets                                                                  close                                                                socket                                  tSocket                                                  end                                                                                  repeat                                                                                  end                                                                                  if finish                                                  broadcastServerStop                                                                      -- Sent when a customer attempts to make a connection.  Shop the customer -- in the continued list and begin reading lines of text from them.  The -- broadcastServerMessageReceived bulletin volition be sent when a line is received.                                                  on                                  broadcastServerClientConnected pSocket                                                  put                                                  pSocket &                                                  render                                                                later on                                  sConnectedClients                                                  read                                                                from                                                socket                                  pSocket                                until                                                                  render                                                  \                                with                                                bulletin                                                "broadcastServerMessageReceived"                                                      end                                                  broadcastServerClientConnected                                                  -- Sent when a line of text is read from a client.  Circulate that line of -- text to all connected clients.                                                  on                                  broadcastServerMessageReceived pSocket, pMsg                                                  repeat                                                                for                                                each                                                line                                  tSocket                                in                                  sConnectedClients                                                  write                                                  pMsg                                to                                                socket                                  tSocket                                                  terminate                                                                                  repeat                                                                                  read                                                                from                                                socket                                  pSocket                                until                                                                  return                                                  \                                with                                                message                                                "broadcastServerMessageReceived"                                                      finish                                                  broadcastServerMessageReceived                                                                      -- Sent when a client disconnects.  Remove the customer from continued listing                                                  on                                  socketClosed pSocket                                                  delete                                                                line                                                lineoffset                (pSocket, sConnectedClients)                                of                                  sConnectedCLients                                                      end                                                  socketClosed                          

Creating a Broadcast Client

Creating a Broadcast Client

Now lets define our client.  This is really easy.  Nosotros just, every bit before, connected to the server.  Once continued, we tin can brainstorm sending messages past calling the "sendMessage" handler.  This handler will simply write the message to the server using the socket we connected with.

The other task of the client is to heed for whatsoever messages broadcast by the server.  Here, the client volition merely read from the server in non-blocking mode, logging the message read before continuing the read.

                                                local                                                  sSocket                                                      constant                                                  kPort =                                8010                                                                      -- Connect the client to the given server.  Will ship a broadcastClientConnected -- when the client has connected.                                                  command                                  broadcastClientStart pServer                                                  if                                                  sSocket                                is                                                empty                                                                  and so                                                                                  open up                                                                socket                                                to                                  pServer &                                ":"                                  & kPort \                                with                                                message                                                "broadcastClientConnected"                                                                  end                                                                                  if terminate                                                  broadcastClientStart                                                                      -- Disconnect the client from the circulate server.                                                  command                                  broadcastClientStop                                                  if                                                  sSocket                                is                                                not                                                empty                                                                  and then                                                                                  close                                                                socket                                  sSocket                                                  put                                                                empty                                                into                                  sSocket                                                  terminate                                                                                  if terminate                                                  broadcastClientStop                                                                      -- Write the given message to the communication channel the customer  -- has opended with the broadcast server.                                                  command                                  broadcastClientSend pMsg                                                  if                                                  sSocket                                is                                                not                                                empty                                                                  then                                                                                  write                                                  pMsg &                                                  render                                                                to                                                socket                                  sSocket                                                  end                                                                                  if terminate                                                  broadcastClientSend                                                  -- Sent once the client has continued to the broadcaset server. -- Store the socket for futurure reference and begin reading information -- from the server.                                                  on                                  broadcastClientConnected pSocket                                                  put                                                  pSocket                                into                                  sSocket                                                  read                                                                from                                                socket                                  sSocket                                until                                                                  render                                                  \                                with                                                message                                                "broadcaseClientMessageReceived"                                                      terminate                                                  broadcastClientConnected                                                                      -- Sent when a message has been received from the server.  Output the -- bulletin and keep reading data from the server.                                                  on                                  broadcaseClientMessageReceived pSocket, pMsg                                                  put                                                  pMsg                                later on                                                field                                                "log"                                                                  read                                                                from                                                socket                                  sSocket                                until                                                                  render                                                  \                                with                                                message                                                "broadcaseClientMessageReceived"                                                      end                                                  broadcaseClientMessageReceived                                                                      -- Sent when at that place is an mistake opening the socket.  Log the error. -- and close the socket.                                                  on                                  socketError pSocket, pError 	broadcastClientDisconnect                                                  put                                                  pError &                                                  return                                                                after                                                field                                                "log"                                                                                      end                                                  socketError                                                                      -- Sent when the connexion to the server is closed by the server.                                                  on                                  socketClosed                                                  put                                                                empty                                                into                                  sSocket                                                      end                                                  socketClosed                          

The image above shows our broadcast client communicating with the server and another customer connected via telnet.

Devising a Communication Protocol

Our circulate customer/server used a very simple communication protocol, where messages were sent equally ASCII text blocks separated by a return character.  A communication protocol just defines the ways in which the transmitted data is encapsulated.  Producing a simple and robust protocol allows your system to implemented in range of dissimilar manners, using various dissimilar technologies.  Consider the number of different web browsers (and servers) on offering.

Let united states of america develop a very simple conversation protocol.  First of all, each message transmitted volition have a header.  Our header will comprise of a 4 graphic symbol message type code and an integer detailing the number of bytes (or characters) in our message trunk.  The header volition be separate from the message trunk by a return character.

Nosotros volition include 5 message types:

AUTH: Sent past the client, requesting authorization.

VERI: Returned by the server if the customer'southward authority request is successful.

MESG: Sent past both client and server, indicating a simple ASCII text message to exist circulate.

ERRO: Sent by the server to bespeak that at that place has been a error (authorization failed etc) and the client will be asunder.

WARN: Sent by the server to bespeak a warning, such as the customer has sent an invalid message.

Such a protocol may seem a little excessive (especially in our example) but it provides a robust programmers interface and a solid platform for hereafter extensions.  For example, nosotros may wish to include file sharing, making the message size an important piece of data.

LiveCode Conversation Server

Nosotros will implement our chat server protocol using LiveCode.  Our server will function in a very similar manner to our broadcast server.  This time, withal, once a client is continued, the volition go on the pending list, pending say-so.  Authorization will be a simple tasks of ensuring the client has a uniques user proper noun.  Once authorized, the customer will be moved on to the authorized list and be allowed to send and receive messages.

The main handler of interest will exist the message received callback.  Here, the server must parse the header and if required read the message torso.  To do this, we will use the "read from for" control, reading the number of characters defined in the message header.

                                                local                                                  sConnectedClients                                                  -- assortment of authorised clients [customer] => [proper name]                                                  local                                  sPendingClients                                                  -- list of all pending clients                                                  local                                  sClientNames                                                  -- list of all currently used customer names                                                  local                                  sRunning                                                  -- if the server is currently running                                                  abiding                                  kPort =                                8020                                                                      -- Start the server listening for connections.  When a customer -- attempts to connect, the chatServerClientConnected message will be sent.                                                  command                                  chatServerStart                                                  if                                                                not                                  sRunning                                                  and so                                                                                  put                                                                true                                                into                                  sRunning                                                  accept                                                                connections                                                                  on                                                                port                                  kPort \                                with                                                bulletin                                                "chatServerClientConnected"                                                                  terminate                                                                                  if                                                                                                      terminate                                                  chatServerStart                                                                      -- Finish the server listening for connections.  Close all open up advice -- channels.                                                  control                                  chatServerStop                                                  if                                                  sRunning                                                  then                                                                                  put                                                                false                                                into                                  sRunning                                                  put                                                                empty                                                into                                  sConnectedClients                                                  put                                                                empty                                                into                                  sPendingClients                                                  put                                                                empty                                                into                                  sClientNames                                                  repeat                                                                for                                                each                                                line                                  tSocket                                in                                                the                                                opensockets                                                                  close                                                                socket                                  tSocket                                                  end                                                                                  repeat                                                                                  end                                                                                  if end                                                  chatServerStop                                                  -- Sent when a client attempts to make a connection.  Store the client as -- awaiting and begin reading message headers (line of text) from the client. -- When a header is received, a chatServerMessageReceived bulletin will be sent.                                                  on                                  chatServerClientConnected pSocket                                                  put                                                  pSocket &                                                  render                                                                after                                  sPendingClients                                                  read                                                                from                                                socket                                  pSocket                                until                                                                  return                                                  \                                with                                                message                                                "chatServerMessageReceived"                                                      terminate                                                  chatServerClientConnected                                                  -- Sent when a bulletin header is received from a client.  Parse the header and -- the read message body if required.  Do this by switching accross the bulletin -- blazon (kickoff item in header). --  -- If information technology is an authorisation request, read the message body (clients name),  -- bank check it'due south unique, add together client to list of authorised clients and send  -- say-so success message to client. -- -- If it is a broadcast message, check the client is authorised and then send -- to all connected clients. -- -- One time bulletin is handled, keep reading from customer.                                                  on                                  chatServerMessageReceived pSocket, pMsg                                                  put                                                                char                                                1                                                to                                  -                ii                                                of                                  pMsg                                into                                  pMsg                                                  local                                                  tAuth, tCommand, tLength, tMsg                                                  put                                                  pSocket                                is                                                among                                                the                                                keys                                                of                                  sConnectedClients                                into                                  tAuth                                                  put                                                                item                                                i                                                of                                  pMsg                                into                                  tCommand                                                  put                                                                item                                                2                                                of                                  pMsg                                into                                  tLength                                                  if                                                  tLength                                is                                                non                                                an                                                integer                                                                  then                                                                                  put                                                                "Invalid message length"                                                into                                  tMsg                                                  write                                                                "WARN,"                                  &                                the                                                number                                                of                                                chars                                                in                                  tMsg \ 				 &                                                  return                                                  & tMsg                                to                                                socket                                  pSocket                                                  else                                                                                  switch                                                  tCommand                                                  case                                                                "MESG"                                                                  if                                                  tAuth                                                  then                                                                                  read                                                                from                                                socket                                  pSocket                                for                                  tLength                                chars                                  chatServerBroadcast sConnectedClients[pSocket] &                                ":"                                  && information technology                                                  else                                                                                  put                                                                "Client not verified"                                                into                                  tMsg                                                  write                                                                "ERRO,"                                  &                                the                                                number                                                of                                                chars                                                in                                  tMsg \ 							 &                                                  render                                                  & tMsg                                to                                                socket                                  pSocket                                                  end                                                                                  if                                                                                  intermission                                                                                  case                                                                "AUTH"                                                                  if                                                  tAuth                                                  then                                                                                  put                                                                "Client already verified"                                                into                                  tMsg                                                  write                                                                "WARN,"                                  &                                the                                                number                                                of                                                chars                                                in                                  tMsg \ 							 &                                                  render                                                  & tMsg                                to                                                socket                                  pSocket                                                  else                                                                                  read                                                                from                                                socket                                  pSocket                                for                                  tLength                                chars                                                                  if                                                  it                                is                                                not                                                among                                                the                                                lines                                                of                                  sClientNames                                                  then                                                                                  put                                                  it                                into                                  sConnectedClients[pSocket]                                                  put                                                  it &                                                  render                                                                after                                  sClientNames                                                  write                                                                "VERI,0"                                  &                                                  return                                                                to                                                socket                                  pSocket                                                  delete                                                                line                                  \                                lineoffset                (pSocket, sPendingClients)                                of                                  sPendingClients 						chatServerBroadcast it &&                                "continued"                                                                  else                                                                                  put                                                                "Username already taken"                                                into                                  tMsg                                                  write                                                                "ERRO,"                                  &                                the                                                number                                                of                                                chars                                                in                                  tMsg \ 								 &                                                  return                                                  & tMsg                                to                                                socket                                  pSocket                                                  end                                                                                  if                                                                                                    terminate                                                                                  if                                                                                  break                                                                                  default                                                                                  put                                                                "Unknown command"                                                into                                  tMsg                                                  write                                                                "ERRO,"                                  &                                the                                                number                                                of                                                chars                                                in                                  tMsg \ 						 &                                                  render                                                  & tMsg                                to                                                socket                                  pSocket                                                  intermission                                                                                  end                                                                                  switch                                                                                  end                                                                                  if                                                                                  read                                                                from                                                socket                                  pSocket                                until                                                                  return                                                  \                                with                                                bulletin                                                "chatServerMessageReceived"                                                      end                                                  chatServerMessageReceived                                                                      -- Broadcasts the given bulletin to all continued and verified clients.                                                  command                                  chatServerBroadcast pMsg                                                  local                                                  tMsg                                                  put                                                                "MESG,"                                  &                                the                                                number                                                of                                                chars                                                in                                  pMsg &                                                  return                                                  & pMsg                                into                                  tMsg                                                  echo                                                                for                                                each                                                line                                  tSocket                                in                                                the                                                keys                                                of                                  sConnectedClients                                                  write                                                  tMsg                                to                                                socket                                  tSocket                                                  finish                                                                                  repeat end                                                  chatServerBroadcast                                                  -- Sent when a client disconnects.  Remove the client from the pending -- list if they are awaiting, or authorised list if they are authorised.                                                  on                                  socketClosed pSocket                                                  if                                                  pSocket                                is                                                among                                                the                                                lines                                                of                                  sPendingClients                                                  then                                                                                  delete                                                                line                                                lineoffset                (pSocket, sPendingClients)                                of                                  sPendingClients                                                  else                                                                                  if                                                  sConnectedClients[pSocket]                                is                                                not                                                empty                                                                  then                                                                                  local                                                  tName                                                  put                                                  sConnectedClients[pSocket]                                into                                  tName                                                  delete                                                                variable                                  sConnectedClients[pSocket]                                                  delete                                                                line                                                lineoffset                (tName, sClientNames)                                of                                  sClientNames 		chatServerBroadcast tName &&                                "disconnected"                                                                  end                                                                                  if terminate                                                  socketClosed                          

Java Chat Client

Though we could easily develop our client in LiveCode, in this final part of the lesson we will consider Coffee.  Doing so demonstrates how we can use sockets for inter-application communication and the importance of using a clearly defined protocol.

I won't go into to too much detail hither, but will note a few key points.  Since we will be working with sockets, we'll need to import the Java "net" library.  Also, since we will be using input and output streams, nosotros'll need the "io" library.  In lodge to open a socket, we create a new object of type Socket:

                              Socket tSocket =                                new                                  Socket(                "hostname"                ,                                "port"                );                          

Once nosotros accept opened our socket, we can then fetch the input and output streams.  These streams let us to read and write information to and from the server.  Java provides various wrappers allowing the data read and written to be formatted in various ways:  At the simplest level, you may wish to read and write directly to the socket, handling data a byte at a time.  Alternatively, yous may wish to operate at a higher level, sending data equally unicode text.

In our case nosotros use a BufferedReader for the input stream (as information technology allows us to read a unmarried line of text - our message header - as well equally a fixed block of text - our message body).

                              BufferedReader tInput =                                new                                  BufferedReader(                new                                  InputStreamReader(tSocket.getInputStream())); Cord tHeader = tInput.readLine(); For output, we use a DataOutputStream as it allows out to write a stream of bytes - our ASCII encoded message. DataOutputStream tOutput =                                new                                  DataOutputStream(tSocket.getOutputStream()); tOutput.write(                "MESG,5\nHello"                .getBytes()); tOutput.flush();                          

Notice that afterwards we write to the output stream, we telephone call the flush method.  This ensures that the data is sent immediately, rather than queued upwards in the stream.

Once the customer is connected to the server, we starting time a new thread that listens to the input stream for information from the server.  Nosotros exercise this by making our client class implement the Runnable interface, then filling out the run method of our client.  The run method will be chosen one time the new thread is created and must continually listen to the input stream whilst the customer is connected.

All the main functionality will be wrapped up in a single Customer class.  Our Client class will have three main public methods available to the user:  connect, disconnect and send.  Annotation the use of an enumerative type, used to shop the clients electric current connexion status, and the ClientUI type used to handle all user interaction.

                              import                                  coffee.net.*;                                  import                                  java.io.*;                                  public                                                enum                                  ConnectionStatus { 	Disconnected, 	CONNECTING, 	CONNECTED, }                                  public                                                form                                  ChatClient                                implements                                  Runnable {                                private                                  ChatClientUI mUI;                                private                                  Socket mSocket;                                individual                                  BufferedReader mInput;                                individual                                  DataOutputStream mOutput;                                individual                                  Thread mListener;                                individual                                  ConnectionStatus mStatus = ConnectionStatus.Asunder;                                private                                                static                                                final                                                int                                  kPort = 8020;                                public                                  ChatClient(ChatClientUI pUI) {                                this                .mUI = pUI; 	}                                /* 	 * Connect to the given server with the  given user name. 	 * Opens a communication aqueduct with the server, sets upward the input and 	 * output streams, sends an authorization request to the server 	 * and starts a new thread listening for any response from the server. 	 */                                                public                                                void                                  connect(String pServer, String pUsername) {                                if                                  (pServer.equals(                ""                )) {                                this                .mUI.displayError(                "Connection Error: Missing server proper noun"                ); 		}                                else                                                if                                  (pUsername.equals(                ""                )) {                                this                .mUI.displayError(                "Connectedness Error: Missing user name"                ); 		}                                else                                                if                                  (                this                .mStatus != ConnectionStatus.DISCONNECTED) {                                this                .mUI.displayError(                "Connection Error: Client already continued"                ); 		}                                else                                  {                                effort                                  {                                this                .setStatus(ConnectionStatus.CONNECTING);                                this                .mSocket =                                new                                  Socket(pServer, ChatClient.kPort);                                this                .mInput =                                new                                  BufferedReader(                                new                                  InputStreamReader(                this                .mSocket.getInputStream()));                                this                .mOutput =                                new                                  DataOutputStream(                this                .mSocket.getOutputStream());                                this                .mListener =                                new                                  Thread(                this                );                                this                .mListener.start();                                this                .writeMessage(                "AUTH"                , pUsername); 			}                                catch                                  (IOException e) {                                this                .mUI.displayError(                "Connexion Error: "                                  + e.toString());                                this                .disconnect(); 			} 		} 	}                                /* 	 * Attempt to disconnect from the server.  Shut socket earlier endmost the 	 * input and output streams. Updates the customer'south electric current connexion status. 	 */                                                public                                                boolean                                  disconnect() {                                if                                  (                this                .mStatus != ConnectionStatus.DISCONNECTED) {                                this                .setStatus(ConnectionStatus.DISCONNECTED);                                attempt                                  {                                this                .mSocket.close();                                this                .mInput.shut();                                this                .mOutput.close(); 			}                                catch                                  (Exception eastward) { }                                render                                                true                ; 		}                                else                                  {                                this                .mUI.displayError(                "Disconnect Mistake: Customer not continued"                );                                return                                                false                ; 		} 	}                                /* 	 * Send the given chat message to the server.  Will format the message with 	 * type MESG earlier sending to the server for broadcast to all othe clients. 	 */                                                public                                                void                                  send(String pMsg) {                                if                                  (                this                .mStatus == ConnectionStatus.CONNECTED) {                                this                .writeMessage(                "MESG"                , pMsg); 		}                                else                                  {                                this                .mUI.displayError(                "Communication mistake: Client not verified"                ); 		} 	}                                /* 	 * Returns the clients current connection status. 	 */                                public                                  ConnectionStatus getStatus() {                                return                                                this                .mStatus; 	}                                /* 	 * Method defined past Runnable interface. Called one time client starts listening 	 * for server messages.  While the customer is connected, attempt to read 	 * and process headers (single lines of text) from the input stream. 	 */                                                public                                                void                                  run() {                                try                                  {                                while                                  (                this                .mStatus != ConnectionStatus.DISCONNECTED) {                                this                .handleResponse(                this                .mInput.readLine()); 			} 		}                                catch                                  (IOException e) {                                if                                  (                this                .mStatus != ConnectionStatus.Asunder) {                                this                .mUI.displayError(                "Advice Error: "                                  + due east.toString());                                this                .disconnect(); 			} 		} 	}                                /* 	 * Gear up the clients current connection status. 	 * Update the ui with the new status. 	 */                                                private                                                void                                  setStatus(ConnectionStatus pStatus) {                                if                                  (pStatus !=                                this                .mStatus) {                                this                .mStatus = pStatus;                                this                .mUI.statusUpdate(pStatus); 		} 	}                                /* 	 * Send the given message to the server.  Format the header based on the 	 * message type and bulletin torso length, attach the body so write to 	 * the output stream. 	 */                                                private                                                void                                  writeMessage(String pType, String pMsg) {                                if                                  (                this                .mStatus != ConnectionStatus.DISCONNECTED) {                                endeavor                                  { 				String tMsg = pType +                                ","                                  + pMsg.length() +                                "\n"                                  + pMsg;                                this                .mOutput.write(tMsg.getBytes());                                this                .mOutput.flush(); 			}                                take hold of                                  (IOException e) {                                this                .mUI.displayError(                "Communication Error: "                                  + e.toString());                                this                .disconnect(); 			} 		}                                else                                  {                                this                .mUI.displayError(                "Communication Error: Client not connected"                ); 		} 	}                                /* 	 * Parse the passed header.  The header should be a single line of text, 	 * comma split into the message type, the bulletin length.  Based on the type 	 * parse the bulletin, reading the body if required. 	 */                                                private                                                void                                  handleResponse(String pMsg) {                                if                                  (pMsg ==                                goose egg                ) {                                this                .disconnect();                                this                .mUI.displayMessage(                "Server shutdown"                ); 		}                                else                                  { 			String[] tItems = pMsg.divide(                ","                ); 			String tMsg = tItems[0];                                int                                  tLength = Integer.parseInt(tItems[ane]);                                if                                  (tMsg.equals(                "MESG"                )) {                                this                .mUI.displayMessage(                this                .readData(tLength)); 			}                                else                                                if                                  (tMsg.equals(                "WARN"                )) {                                this                .mUI.displayError(                this                .readData(tLength)); 			}                                else                                                if                                  (tMsg.equals(                "ERRO"                )) {                                this                .mUI.displayError(                this                .readData(tLength));                                this                .disconnect(); 			}                                else                                                if                                  (tMsg.equals(                "VERI"                )) {                                this                .setStatus(ConnectionStatus.Continued); 			}                                else                                  {                                this                .mUI.displayError(                "Communication Mistake: Unknown message "                                  + tMsg); 			} 		} 	}                                /* 	 * Read pLength bytes froim the input channel and pasre as a cord. 	 * Used to read message bodies (when lenght is defined in header). 	 */                                                private                                  String readData(                int                                  pLength) {                                char                                  [] tBuffer =                                new                                                char                [pLength];                                effort                                  {                                this                .mInput.read(tBuffer, 0, pLength);                                render                                                new                                  Cord(tBuffer); 		}                                catch                                  (IOException e) {                                this                .mUI.displayError(                "Communication Error: "                                  + e.toString());                                this                .disconnect();                                render                                                goose egg                ; 		} 	} }                          


Source: https://lessons.livecode.com/m/4071/l/12924-how-to-communicate-with-other-applications-using-sockets

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